Pieta adopt our latest technology for Darkness Into Light

73% of total funds on iDonate raised through iDonate Tap Pieta is Ireland’s leading suicide prevention and self-harm charity. They offer free professional one-to-one, in person, phone or video crisis therapy to individuals in suicidal crisis, bereaved by suicide and self-harm. Each week, Pieta therapists deliver almost 1,000 hours of therapy to people across Ireland. […]

How LauraLynn raised €425,000 using Social Fundraising

LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice raised €425,000 in their recent Skipping Challenge campaign! 👏 An amazing achievement using the power of Social Fundraising. 💚 iDonate have social fundraising tools to help you achieve the same. We are happy to talk you through other available features to help your cause in getting the most out of your […]

Charities to be fully exempt from advertising restrictions

The Charities Institute Ireland announced a positive update yesterday regarding the Gambling Bill and its impact on charity fundraising through raffles and lotteries.  The Charities Institute Ireland have put in some amazing work over the past few months in tackling the concerns around advertising restrictions for charities and sporting organisations. Thankfully, their work did not […]

Case Study: Swim in Pink

The Who The National Breast Cancer Research Institute is a national charity that funds a comprehensive research programme at the University of Galway. Breast cancer research has improved the diagnosis, treatment options, and outcomes for those who develop the disease. The National Breast Cancer Research Institute want to fund these research programmes to continue to […]

New Messaging Feature For Causes

Causes can now add custom messages to fundraising pages. iDonate have recently added a fantastic new feature for causes. You can now add custom messages to individual fundraising pages, groups of fundraising pages, or every page tied to an event. These messages will appear publicly on the fundraising page just below their page description. So […]

Raise More With Your Cause Profile Page – Top Tips

  Your iDonate Cause Profile Page is a valuable tool for fundraising so don’t forget to utilise it! Below we give our top tips on how you can use this page to raise more for your cause this year.   About your iDonate Cause Profile Page Every cause registered on iDonate has a Cause Profile […]

The Top iDonate Fundraisers of 2022

  As 2022 draws to a close, we’re looking back on all the fantastic campaigns that iDonate have supported throughout the year. From the big ones to the smaller ones, the community events, to the corporate fundraisers, we have really enjoyed working with so many of you, to raise vital funds for Irish causes. In […]