5 Steps For a Successful Corporate Fundraiser

Corporate fundraising has many advantages – not just for the causes that benefit but also for employees and for the company itself. Workplace fundraisers can really help to boost morale, foster connection between colleagues, encourage teamwork and enhance employee fulfilment, and therefore can have a positive effect on employee productivity and retention. It’s clear then […]

July Webinar For Causes

The iDonate Team are providing a free webinar for causes in July which will focus on ‘How Storytelling Can Help Causes to Raise More’. Joining Brian O’Neill on the panel will be John Harvey,  Communications Lead at Parents Plus and Joanne Ryan, Lead Grant Writer and Founder of Trust Grant Writing who will share their expert […]

iDonate – Main Fundraising Platform For Runamuck Challenge 2023

iDonate are delighted to have been chosen as the main fundraising platform for Runamuck Challenge, which takes place next on October 21st 2023. This event presents a great opportunity for causes to recruit fundraisers and raise more for their cause this Autumn and is also a great way for participants to give back to their favourite […]

Tag iDonate on Social to WIN a €250 Donation!

Announcing our brand new competition for iDonate fundraisers! Fundraisers who post their *personal fundraising page link on Facebook or Instagram, and tag iDonate, will be entered into a draw to WIN a €250 donation to their cause! Each month we will randomly select a winner and the donation will be transferred directly to their fundraising page. […]

Campaign Page Checklist for Causes

Once your cause is registered with iDonate, you can set up Event/Campaign Pages to start raising funds. An Event/Campaign Page is suitable for specific events or campaigns that have a temporary duration. For example you might set up an Event/Campaign Page for your cause’s upcoming challenge or for a fundraising event like the Mini Marathon. […]

How Storytelling Can Help Your Cause to Raise More

The first step for any successful fundraising campaign is to engage users. But this is easier said than done in a world where attention spans are getting shorter and new content is constantly fighting for our attention. Yet even in this new era of digital communications, it’s one of the oldest forms of communication that […]

How Causes Can Set Up Team Pages

The Different Types of iDonate Fundraising Pages iDonate provide different types of fundraising pages for different scenarios. These include: Event/Campaign Pages – a page that acts as a hub for your event/campaign and enables fundraisers to create an individual fundraising page for the event/campaign. Individual Fundraising Pages – a personal fundraising page used by an […]

Top Tools for Causes – How to Start Fundraising

Your Cause Profile Page Every cause that registers with iDonate is provided with a Cause Profile Page which acts as a permanent hub for your fundraising activity. Your Profile Page provides information about your cause and where funds go and provides contact information for your cause, including social media links. Visitors to your cause page […]

How Crowdfunders Can Raise More on iDonate

Well done on setting up your iDonate Crowdfunding page! Now it’s time to get it out there, to get the donations rolling in. There are lots of ways that you can promote your Crowdfunding page, from utilising social media and QR codes, to securing media coverage for your fundraiser. Below are some tips and suggestions […]

How Causes Can Raise More on iDonate

Welcome to iDonate! Now that your cause registration process is complete, you can set up a fundraising page and start raising funds straight away. Getting your your fundraising page in front of supporters will be key to the success of your campaign, so we have provided our top tips for promoting your page below. Here’s […]