How Storytelling Can Help Your Cause to Raise More

The first step for any successful fundraising campaign is to engage users. But this is easier said than done in a world where attention spans are getting shorter and new content is constantly fighting for our attention. Yet even in this new era of digital communications, it’s one of the oldest forms of communication that […]

How Causes Can Set Up Team Pages

The Different Types of iDonate Fundraising Pages iDonate provide different types of fundraising pages for different scenarios. These include: Event/Campaign Pages – a page that acts as a hub for your event/campaign and enables fundraisers to create an individual fundraising page for the event/campaign. Individual Fundraising Pages – a personal fundraising page used by an […]

Top Tools for Causes – How to Start Fundraising

Your Cause Profile Page Every cause that registers with iDonate is provided with a Cause Profile Page which acts as a permanent hub for your fundraising activity. Your Profile Page provides information about your cause and where funds go and provides contact information for your cause, including social media links. Visitors to your cause page […]

How Crowdfunders Can Raise More on iDonate

Well done on setting up your iDonate Crowdfunding page! Now it’s time to get it out there, to get the donations rolling in. There are lots of ways that you can promote your Crowdfunding page, from utilising social media and QR codes, to securing media coverage for your fundraiser. Below are some tips and suggestions […]

How Causes Can Raise More on iDonate

Welcome to iDonate! Now that your cause registration process is complete, you can set up a fundraising page and start raising funds straight away. Getting your your fundraising page in front of supporters will be key to the success of your campaign, so we have provided our top tips for promoting your page below. Here’s […]

Tips to Promote Your VHIWMM Fundraising Page

iDonate fundraising pages have a share button which makes it easy to share the page via social media, WhatsApp and email.  This button also provides the option to download a QR code for your page, which you can then print on posters, mailouts and other printed promotional materials. Use the share button to share your […]

How Fundraisers Can Raise More on iDonate

Well done on setting up your iDonate fundraising page! Now it’s time to get it out there, to get the donations rolling in. There are lots of ways that you can promote your fundraising page, from utilising social media and QR codes, to securing media coverage for your fundraiser. Below are some tips and suggestions on […]

Setting Up Your Cork City Marathon Team Page – 5 Easy Steps!

The Cork City Marathon is one of Munster’s biggest events and presents a great opportunity for fundraising. From our experience, causes who get involved and promote the event to their supporters early on, typically tend to raise more. We know however that a Fundraiser’s role is a busy one and that time is a precious […]

WIN a €2500 holiday voucher PLUS a €2,500 donation to your cause!

Raise €100 or more on iDonate for the VHIWMM, or Cork City Marathon, and be in with a chance to WIN a €2500 holiday voucher…plus a €2,500 donation to your cause! Here’s what you need to do to be in with a chance to win this great prize: Enter the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon or […]

Turkey-Syria Disaster – How Companies Can Help

As the death toll passes 33,000, and with over 13 million people directly affected by the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria, Irish charities working on the ground desperately need our help. These organisations are operating in chaotic conditions to provide supplies such as clean water, hygiene kits, shelter equipment, and other basic necessities, and […]